Cheap Linux Hosting In Saudi Arabia

Cheap Linux Hosting In Saudi Arabia is one of the most preferred hosting package by users. Cheap Linux Hosting In Saudi Arabia has been around for a very long time. However, various modifications and improvements have been made to the system.

Linux hosting FAQs

What is Linux hosting?

Generally speaking, Linux hosting is any kind of hosting that uses the Linux operating system. Linux is an free and open source code. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB/MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python)is the most important feature of Linux.

Between Linux and Window hosting, which one is cheaper?

Linux hosing is cheaper. This is because it an open and free source code. Therefore, the hosting provider does not need to pay any licensing fee to use LINUX as their hosting platform. That results in clients paying a cheaper price.

What features does Cheap Linux Hosting In Saudi Arabia have?

  • It is ideal for individual, bloggers and entrepreneurs
  • It is suitable for small budgets
  • It is compatible with Word Press, Joomla or Drupal.
  • They offer free technical support
  • Secure and reliable
  • Great for data-driven sites
  • No hidden set up fees

What are the advantages of Linux hosting?

Cost – It is cheap because it is an open and free source code system. In addition, this hosting package has many popular and free scripts such as Joomla and Word Press.

Flexibility – With Linux, it is very easy to create any online entity such a web, application or website. Linux has a General Public License and this means it can be used with various distributions such as Ubuntu.

Security– This operating system has proved to be secure compared to others.

Reliability – People who bought this hosting package have reported of its reliability.

Simplicity – It is a user friendly operating system. In addition, it can use PHP and My SQL thus making it an easy system to run.

Easy backups – It has an easy backup facility through the inbuilt tools.

Technical support – Linux platform comes with trouble shooting and problem solving facility for its users. This makes it a reliable when it comes to offering technical support.

What are the disadvantages of Linux hosting?

Domain knowledge – Having inadequate knowledge of Linux operation can put one in a disadvantageous position.

Compatibility– This will affect systems that were originally meant to run on the Windows platform.

How do I know I have found the right Linux hosting company?

A good hosting company should have the following characteristics:

  • Great support/uptime
  • Full technical support- 24/7/365
  • Affordable hosting packages