How User Friendliness In Website Design Affects Users

When people create their first websites, their main goal is to have a visually appealing website. There is no doubt that visual appeal is an important factor in website’s…

When people create their first websites, their main goal is to have a visually appealing website. There is no doubt that visual appeal is an important factor in website’s success, but it is not the lock, stock and barrel of website design. Website design specialists will always emphasize on the user-friendliness of a website. The whole concept of user-friendliness revolves around user-focused design elements. You don’t introduce a feature that could be confusing for users no matter how compelling it seems. So, what effect does a user friendly design have on its users? Take a look at these important points.

It Helps Visitors Stay

The first big achievement for any website is if it is able to keep visitors on it for some time. When visitors come and leave your website within seconds, this constitutes the bounce rate of your traffic. The higher the bounce rate the more your search engine ranking is affected negatively. There can be many other reasons why visitors don’t stay on your website but non user-friendly website design one of the big reasons behind that. When your website navigation flows and transitions are buttery smooth, there is no way a visitor will leave the website just like that.

It Boosts Your Conversions

If you did not know, your website’s user-friendly aspects can increase your conversion rates. There is a whole new concept of user-friendliness when you are running an ecommerce website. First, your product order form should be fluid. Every piece of information that a visitor might need while ordering a product must be available at fingertips. If you are forcing product ordering customers to go back on pages to maybe just view the cost of their order over and over, you are killing your sale. In a similar fashion, the location of your call-to-action buttons can boost your sales big time when done right.

It Increases User Satisfaction

When your website visitors are happy to visit your website and feel comfortable placing orders and navigating around, their satisfaction level goes up. This level of satisfaction can greatly contribute to making your customers loyal. Keep in mind that a user-friendly website is user focused and so your website visitors feel special when they visit your website. They get the feeling that you care about them and this invokes brand loyalty in them. This level of satisfaction is extremely important if you want your visitors to keep coming back on your website.

It Boosts Your Traffic

How can a user-friendly website increase the number of people coming on your website? The answer is very simple: people feel like visiting your website regardless of the device they are using. When you work on your website’s user focused elements, you will make sure to create a mobile friendly design too. A mobile friendly design is of highest importance in today’s world due to the increasing number of mobile users. The experience for your users should be seamless when they move from the desktop version of your website to the mobile version. Accessibility and find ability are two of the most important factors of user-friendly website designs. It is challenging but highly rewarding to incorporate elements on your websites that cover accessibility and find ability.

It Improves Your SEO Rankings

Visitors staying on your website are a great indicator for search engines to rank your website higher. Of course, you must be offering something informative and useful for users to stay on your website. When you work on a user-focused website design, you automatically take care of internal linking of the website as you try to make navigation easier for the users. This internal linking is greatly appreciated and rewarded by search engines in the form of improved SEO rankings.