A decade ago, there was no proven concept of marketing businesses through social networks. Today, you could not possibly think of online marketing strategy without social…
A decade ago, there was no proven concept of marketing businesses through social networks. Today, you could not possibly think of online marketing strategy without social media marketing being a part of it. In fact, you now have experienced social media marketing companies helping small, medium sized and big businesses with their social media endeavors. It is not uncommon to see many starting businesses doing it themselves. While it works for some, it is also not everyone’s cup of tea. Certain mistakes can completely destroy your marketing and even earn your brand a bad reputation. Take a look at these mistakes that many businesses make to end up in failure.
Too Much Quantity, No Quality
Do you want your content to really matter? Does it make you feel disappointed when you see a small number of views on your content even after weeks and months? While it is true that your content will take some time to get noticed, sometimes the problem is with the content itself. You might be creating too much content but without any good quality. Imagine how easily information is available to people on internet today. They can watch videos about the best, the greatest, the highest and the deepest with a single click. Does your content stand a chance against such interesting information? Therefore, it has to be quality that you should focus, not quantity.
No Visuals
There is no doubt that text-only content can be just as interesting as visual content, but you need a person with the power of words to do that. Another big challenge here is acceptability. When you look at social networking websites you can see a trend that visual content is accepted more readily than text-only content. This is the reason the world is shifting fast to videos, images and gifs. Infographics have proved to be the most interesting and engaging form of content. People can just keep scrolling through their social media stream when all they see is plain text. They stop and pay attention as soon as they see a visual. In a nutshell, try to find ways to convert your content into visuals. Better yet, just use professionals who can do that for you.
Dispersed Focus
This is a problem that most starting businesses face. When you tell them the importance of social media marketing and they realize it, they go all-in on it. What this means is that they start creating accounts on all the social networking platforms they know. What they don’t realize is that different social networks serve different needs for different people. You will find millions of teens on Facebook but that might not be the case with LinkedIn. An image might not get as many likes and views on Twitter as it will get on Instagram and Pinterest. When you create accounts on all these platforms, you are in a big trouble. Sharing the same content on all of them is a problem, and producing different content for all of them every day is nearly impossible. Best thing to do is to focus on a few working and most potential social networks first.
Lack of Engagement
Social media marketing is not one-way traffic. You can’t share some content and then think that your job is done. The more important part of social media marketing is engagement with your target audience. People come on social networks to share, interact and talk to each other. When you share some content and people give their feedback, they expect some engagement from your side as well. Not to mention, your engagement with an individual comes off as a reward for them. This builds your trust among your followers and helps you make loyal customers. So, when you share some content with your followers, always make sure to respond to their comments and queries.