Web Hosting In Riyadh

What is Web Hosting In Riyadh? What are the benefits of Web Hosting In Riyadh? Basically, web hosting allows individuals and organizations to post content on a web page or on the Internet. A web hosting service provider offers services and technologies that enable the web sites and web pages to be viewed. The websites are stored in servers.

When a user needs to view your site, they will type out the web address into a browser. They will be then connected to servers and the web pages will be delivered to their browsers. Most web hosting providers will require that clients own a domain name in order for them to be hosted. For those who do not have one, the service provider may help them purchase one.

The basic features of a web hosting plan include:

Web Hosting In Riyadh has the following features:

Disk space

All web hosting accounts offer a specified disk space where clients can store their web files. The amount of disk space offered to a client will depend on the type of hosting option selected. Dependingon the emails, databases and web filesstored on the server, will determine on the space provided.

Bandwidth and data transfer

There is big difference between bandwidth and data transfer

Bandwidth – The amount of data at a single time

Data transfer – The actual amount of data transferred.

Less bandwidth takes a longer time to load the website regardless of the connection type used by the visitor. Less data transfer may result in the website being unavailable as the maximum amount of data allowed limit may be reached. To get the ideal bandwidth for your site, factors such asthe number of visitors to the site and the size of the website.

Email accounts

They are a common feature of web hosting especially for those hosting a domain. There are three main types of email accounts that may be used:

POP3 – They are the traditional inboxes.POP3 have a space on the server that stores emails. In addition, one can also use an email program to download the mail. Each password and login equates to one account.

Forwarding – They is useful for those who employ the services of another company to filter emails. Emails will be redirected to another email server instead of being stored in the server.

Aliases – They are no different from forwarding email accounts. There are some host providers who will allow users up set up aliases addresses.


FTP- This is the protocol that downloads web files from the server.