There are several Web Hosting Services In Riyadh offered by hosting companies. For those who need their websites to be hosted, there are several hosting options for them. Some of the hosting plans offered by Web Hosting Services In Riyadh agencies include:
- Shared hosting
- Dedicated server hosting
- Cloud server hosting
The dedicated server hosting is an option that most people prefer. There are several reasons that makes dedicated hosting as compared to the other options. For instance, the user has an entire server to themselves and they can easily customize the features to suit their needs.
Web Hosting Services In Riyadh agencies advice their clients to take up the dedicated server hosting plan. However, there are things that clients need to consider before taking this option.
While purchasing this kind of plan, consider the following factors
- Fully managed vs unmanaged dedicated hosting
Dedicated server hosting requires a lot of technical expertise to run it. Clients may decide to purchase the fully managed packaged if they lack the technical know-how. For those who decide to purchase the unmanaged package, they may need to hire a web/network administrator to run it.
Benefits of choosing fully managed package:
- Server monitoring
- Server security is ensured
- Storage management
- Database management
- Back up services
- Data centre facilities
When purchasing dedicated servers, it is crucial to determine the location of the servers. The location of data center is key. Some of the features to look out for include:
- Power redundancy
- On-site security
- Cooling systems
- Redundant bandwidth
The Tier data centre facility should be considered too. Tier 4 data centers are the best.
- Remote reboot capability
Remote reboot allows the users of the servers to restart a server from a remote location without involving the hosting provider. It gives users control over the server. Server maintenance or software updates can be done at any time.
Having an IPMI enables remote power management for the servers.
- Content delivery network
For fast and efficient delivery of contents over the websites, a CDN is needed. Internet users hate slow connections.
A CDN enables a website to be replicated in various locations.
- 24/7/365 technical support
What would happen if the server developed technicalities? It is important for clients to consider if the hosting company has a reliable customer care desk. Ensure that they have a phone number, email or live chat feature that can be used to reach them at anytime.
However, there are some problems that the clients can easily solve .It is important to have a documentation that has some troubleshooting solutions.