Errors That Your SEO Wants To Tell You About To Enhance Your Marketing

​Several businesses have taken full advantage of SEO and because of several optimized search engine strategies and techniques, Google ranked their website on the very top of their search result page. However, sometimes you may get so tempted to get the results that you start using SEO in a way which is not effective in the future and may put your business trouble. SEO are becoming smarter every day, they now have the ability to tell you what’s going on. Following are some activities that you are doing and your search engine optimization wants you to know, but is too afraid to tell.

1. You Buy Links
Are you really buying links? If you are, stop it immediately, aside from ethical grounds, its illegal to manipulate page ranking in the cyber world.
2. Your Excessive Use of Reciprocal Links
Don’t abuse the swapping link technique. Search engines now know about websites that excessively use reciprocal links. They consider these websites as manipulative and throw them out of their pages.
3. You Are Fan Of Copy Paste
Much like reciprocal links, Google and other search engines consider this an extremely bad practice. If you are copying 100 percent of content from others and your SEO is continuously detecting plagiarism, listen to it otherwise Google will put a serious penalty on you.
4. You Don’t Care about 404 errors
404 errors are very annoying not to mention they are something that will permanently lose you your target audience. If your SEO is continuously showing broken links with the 404 error, update them immediately. Keep your links checked so that Google knows that users are getting what they are looking for on in your website.
5. You deliberately Make Your Website Slow
Sometimes you are not aware that you are making your website extremely slow to load. This is because you put too much content on it, you put unnecessary amount of animations or extremely high-resolution photos. Your SEO will tell you to take things slowly, but that doesn’t mean that you cut out content, instead choose a simple layout, a fair amount of images and animations only where necessary.
6. Your SEO Is Not Mal Proof
Always make sure that your website is free of spam and malware. Google regularly checks websites that are filled with malware or spam and if they find any on your website, they will block it completely.
7. You Put Links to Suspicious Websites
Your SEO will warn you about using links to suspicious websites. Sooner or later those troublesome websites are going to be reported and your link with them will make you end up getting penalized or blocked by Google. Stay away from such kinds of websites in order to rule the rankings of search engines.
8. You Have Spun Content
Originality is the key, you may not be copying the content entirely, but you may be using content spinning software to regenerate the content. Don’t do that; invest in creative and original writing.
9. You Use Too Much Keywords
Sometimes you may use several keywords in your title thinking that your ranking will improve. This is not true at all, keep your SEO free of keyword stuffing, and titles that are loaded with repeated keywords will not be properly indexed by search crawlers.