Using Keywords For Optimizing Your Videos For SEO

In the recent years, the world of internet has seen a lot of new video content. At first, a video was only a way of entertainment for the people, but things have changed …

In the recent years, the world of internet has seen a lot of new video content. At first, a video was only a way of entertainment for the people, but things have changed today. Businesses are using videos for marketing purposes, and according to various surveys and studies, videos take the cake when it comes to how engaging online content can be. Social networking platforms have integrated auto play options for their videos after looking at the increasing popularity of video content. Search engine optimization companies are also using video content on websites to make web pages more engaging and to increase the visitor retention time.

The key to optimizing videos for SEO is to include keywords with it. Since search engine crawlers cannot understand the content of a video, there are other ways for incorporating keywords with your videos.

  • Adding Keywords to Video Titles and Descriptions

The main spaces you have available for adding keywords with your videos are video titles and descriptions. Incorporating keywords in your video titles not only helps you with SEO but also makes it convenient for internet users to find your videos. Before you look into keywords that should go in your video’s title, you should consider using SEO triggering words, such as “how to,” “ways to” etc. Search for “how to” on Google. You are surely going to see some video results on YouTube despite the fact that you have not even typed the full query.

In addition to video titles, you have video descriptions where you can use keywords. The description section of the video is a great place for you to use keywords. It provides you a huge character limit so you can define what’s in the video and use multiple relevant keywords.

  • Add Keywords to the Videos

YouTube gives you the option to add keywords to your videos, which is the point where you can make a big difference. You have to do some research before you randomly put keywords with your video. Know your video content and the strongest keywords associated with it, the target audience, trending keywords, etc. In fact, there is a keyword tool available from YouTube to help you put keywords with your videos. This tool should help you put the most relevant keywords that make your video easily visible.

  • Adding Keywords in Video Transcripts

Of course, using keywords as part of your video transcripts is a natural process. If what you are speaking in the video contains the relevant keywords, you will automatically have to put them in the transcript as well. In fact, most marketing experts now advise companies to add transcripts to their videos. Search engine crawlers will not understand the video content, but they will surely index any keywords used in the transcripts. Not to mention, the transcript of your video is a critical component not only for SEO purposes but your viewers as well. Many of your viewers might not be able to hear. Your video transcript will help them understand what is going on in the video.

Letting Customer Share Reviews on Product Pages

You can benefit from the keywords your customers use when they leave comments on your website. If you have products or services that need explanation, there is no better way of explaining than using a video. Allow viewers to post comments and reviews under your product video. In their reviews, customers will use the most natural keywords that search engine crawlers will screen. The more reviews you get, the more keywords will appear on the page. Not to mention, these keywords cannot be punished by Google since this is not your content. Your users are creating it, and they are free to share what they have on their minds.