Play FM had an old website that wasn’t a good representation of the channel goals these days and had no modern sense to it.
At Yadonia Group we took that website and used a cutting edge technology in developing and designing the website and we turned the website upside down. The resulted website is up to date and gave the channel a new and fresh look to the new and fast developing world.
Visitors of the website depends a lot on what they see on the landing page of the website, so we have represented the spirit of the channel by images and the whole coloring used in the website is inspired from the channel’s logo colors.
The website is greatly responsive and in English and Arabic.
About Play FM
Play FM Since its inception in 2004 has been a driving force in developing and maintaining an unparalleled standard of broadcasting quality both locally and regionally, which is evidenced by the recognition and awards of the company has garnered for its work in radio, production, advertising, consulting and event management in Jordan.