Online Book Distribution Portal for Yarmouk Distribution Center

Yadonia Group is currently in the process of developing an online book distribution center portal for Yarmouk Distribution Center. The final design for the portal will include the ability to download a catalogue as well as a variety of categories and sub-categories. As a result of this enhanced online distribution center portal, Yarmouk Distribution Center’s users will have a greater ability to more quickly and easily locate the publications that are of interest to them. An advanced search function will also be available, making it possible for users to further drill down their searches for more precise results.
Online Book Store Portal Design for Yarmouk Distribution Center by Yadonia Group

Consequently, Yarmouk Distribution Center will be able to provide enhanced customer service to their users. The online portal design will also include Book of the Month and On Sale categories that will offer the center users with a more interactive experience.

A latest news section will give Yarmouk Distribution Center the ability to quickly disseminate information to their users regarding their latest news and events. Additionally, users will be able to contact the center directly from the site, allowing for improved customer service and more direct access between the company and their visitors. With the implementation of the online portal, Yarmouk Distribution Center will now be able to reach a far wider global audience.