Yadonia Group is currently in the process of upgrading the website for Ghattas Industrial & Trading. As part of our solution for Ghattas, we will be upgrading their website from Static HTML to Dynamic CMS with a number of robust features. Our standard Content Management System will include the following plug-ins: an unlimited number of pages that will allow for the creation of unlimited pages with graphics and flash animations. A news plug-in will also be included that will allow for easy publication of important news and events information for visitors to keep them updated on the latest company announcements. The solution will also include an access authorization plug-in that will allow the company to control the access level for visitors while allowing for the creation of articles and pages that are only visible to registered users who are granted special permissions. A search site plug-in will provide the website visitors with the ability to search all active published articles on the website while improving user ability to locate information they need in a faster manner. The Yadonia Group CMS photo gallery plug-in will also provide the ability to create albums and upload photos with the option to enlarge photos when a visitor clicks on it. A directory / products plug-in will allow the company to publish products or directories on their website along with the option to create sub-categories and interact with their site users and providing information in an easy and reliable manner.